Friday, September 12, 2014


We have now begun the STUDY ISLAND assignments for third graders.  Your child has been to the computer lab at school a few times to work with STUDY ISLAND and we have begun assigning lessons for them to practice.  A few weeks ago, a sheet with information about STUDY ISLAND and how it works came home with your child in their Friday Folder.  Your child will use the very same sign in and password for Study Island that they do here at school for the Accelerated Math and Accelerated Reading program - so they should know their username and password. Study Island can be accessed through the school webpage or on my links page on this BLOG or below. Students will get assignments in subjects we are covering at school.  We do not want them to go beyond those assignments.  They must complete 10 questions in the Practice Mode and receive a 85% or above before they can go to the Game Mode.

 Be careful!  If they do poorly on a practice, it is VERY HARD to get their average back up, and unlike the Accelerated Math and Reading programs, I have no ability to delete or redo any of the activities. What they score is what they score.  They can redo a practice over and over to pull the average up, but it is a cumulative average and can take a lot of good scores to pull up one low score.

When they get to STUDY ISLAND and log in, they will see my name.  Click on the green plus sign, and it will show them a list of all the current assignments, when they are due, whether they have done those assignments, how well they did.  We do provide some time at school to work on these assignments, but the computers are generally reserved for our students who do not have computer access at home - so if your child CAN get to Study Island at home, we prefer they do the assignments at home.

The math assignments tend to take the least amount of time, with the reading being more time consuming due to the need to carefully read first.  You child may need some support and help with these activities, and it is fine if you offer them support.  We would prefer that to having them do very poorly on a practice and thus pull down their average.

I have access to my students current scores and percentages so I can track their progress.

Thank you for you support..

Follow the instructions below in order to use the program:1. Go to

2. Enter your username and password at the upper-left of the screen, and click “Login”.

Note: Students have received a username and password from their teacher at school.

3. Click on the green plus sign.

4. You may work through the assigned  topics in any order you like. You must "pass" a Practice Mode topic at 85% before playing in Game Mode.

**Unanswered questions in a topic are disregarded. Students can end a session at any time by clicking DONE without a negative effect to their scores. They can return to that topic to complete the session, picking up where they left off.

 Each time a Blue Ribbon is earned, students can simply click on the ribbon to print it.

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