OCES uses a SCHOOLWIDE discipline system based upon the work of Stephen Covey's Seven habits of Highly Effective People.
My classroom expectations and discipline program will reflect those Seven Habits which are:
1.)     Be Proactive- YOU are in charge of YOU!  Make good decisions and choose wisely. 
2.)    Begin with the end in mind- Always be prepared! THINK before you ACT!
3.)    Put first things first- Work before play!
4.)    Think Win-Win- Do your best to get along and work well with others.
 5.)    Seek first to understand, then to be understood- use good listening skills.  LISTEN then TALK!
 6.)    Synergize- Together is better! Everyone can contribute.
7.)    Sharpen the saw- Listen to others, use your mind, and exercise your body.
 If students choose to follow these expectations, there are positive consequences. If they choose not to follow these expectations, there are a series of increasingly negative consequences.
The first infraction results in a warning (unless the child engages in a serious negative behavior, such as physical or verbal abuse.)  We all need occasional reminders. If the behavior continues, the child will miss 5-10 minutes of recess (our third grade discipline system) . Continued poor choices result loss of 10-15 minutes of recess and a signature on the STAR CARD.  The child may also be required to fill out an Action Plan during recess or at home, explaining what they did and why – the purpose of the Action Plan is to get the child to think about their choices, the consequences, the reasons and what might have been a better way to handle the situation. Depending upon the infraction, I may also contact parents to discuss the situation. If you child chooses to move to this level of discipline, they may be sent to the office to visit with Mrs. Templeton or Mrs. Varela, and you will be contacted.
Generally, students move through the levels of increasing seriousness. However, there are some behaviors which result in a mark on the Star Card immediately without progressing through the earlier levels: Incomplete homework.  Failure to write assignments in their agenda.  Blatant disrespect of others.  Refusal to follow directions, etc.   There are also some behaviors which will result in an immediate office referral- physical attack, verbal abuse, deliberate destruction of property etc.
But not all consequences are negative. If students choose to follow expectations and meet goals, they receive a chance to attend the quarterly STAR PARTY celebrations, AR Parties and ACCM parties. Students are allowed no more than a given number of marks on their STAR CARD per nine weeks in order to participate in nine-week STAR PARTY celebration.
Each week, I will fill out “Highlighting Good Habits” slips on those students who exemplify our behavior expectations – students may drop these slips in a jug outside of Mrs. Templeton’s office.  Students will be encouraged to recognize good habits in each other, and then report this back to me so they can be recognized.  Each Monday,  the announcements crew will have a segment recognizing students who have put a slip in the jug – one student’s name (or maybe more!) will be drawn out of the jug for a small prize.
 There is also a set of school wide expectations which will allow OCES to be a positive learning community.  Activity teachers and lunchroom monitors will distribute “red cards” to those who exhibit poor behavior and need a signature/punch on the behavior card upon returning to homeroom. Other teachers can also recognize students for "Good Habits" and report them.
Please review the school wide expectations with your child:
1. Be kind, polite, and respectful to all members of your school community.
-getting along with others
-being respectful of ALL adults in our school
-speaking appropriately to adults
2. Move throughout school in an orderly manner, walking at ALL times on the RIGHT side of the hallway.
-walking quietly through the building
-staying on the right side
-moving in a line when with your class
3. Remain on task at all times no matter where you are in our school.
-following directions
-listening before speaking
-talking on with permission
-using good table manners and a quiet voice in the lunchroom
4. Always be prepared.
-have necessary supplies
-complete homework
-complete classwork as assigned
5. Keep your workspace, classroom, and school building (inside and outside) neat, clean, and organized.
-keeping a neat desk
-taking care of classroom supplies
-cleaning up after yourselves
-not littering
-picking up around our building
-keeping our bathrooms clean
-picking up trash in the lunchroom
BE PROACTIVE with Good Behavior!

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