Accelerated Reading (Renaissance Reading) and Accelerated Math:

These are two school wide, individualized and independently based learning programs we use at OCES. They are very successful at aiding student achievement, BUT they require parent support because they are designed to be done OUTSIDE class time.  Although I do allow for limited class time to use both ACCM (Accelerated math) and AR (Accelerated Renaissance Reading), due to the need to teach the district curriculum, the amount of time I can set aside is not sufficient for success in these programs. Your child MUST work on both at home or they will not make the academic gains that are possible using these programs.

WORKING ON THESE PROGRAMS IS A NIGHTLY HOMEWORK EXPECTATION!!!!  – in addition to any other homework given.  I stress this heavily because experience has shown that some parents tend not to hold their children accountable for these programs, and that, overall, those children do not do as well in class or an year end testing.  Part of this program is designed to help teach children personal responsibility and independence, but they still need to be monitored by parents.

Occasionally, with ACCM, the scanner will break down, or a child will have finished an assignment but has not had an opportunity to scan, or he/she will have completed all assigned objective for the moment. In those situations, your child MAY not have any additional work for a night or to – but this is an exception, not a rule.  If your child goes more than a few days without an additional assignment, please check with me about the situation.  Also remind them to SCAN, as I will ask if anyone needs to, but I will not chase down individual children to make sure they are doing so.

Thank you for your support.

 ACCM (Accelerated Math):

ACCM is a math program in which your child progresses though a series of skill sets at their own pace and at their own level. The more they work, the further they progress and the better prepared they are for both CRCT and 4th grade. Your child will solve problems on the printed work sheets, and then bubble in a scan-tron card with their answers.

They will scan their own work.  I generally KEEP the scan cards myself, until they ask for theirs, but I have sent them home with parents who agree to be responsible.  As they cost a quarter each, we try to be careful not to lose them or mistreat them. The  answers will be scored. An 85% or above is considered passing. Anything below that will be reviewed with more questions and then retested.  Children will review wrong answers with me, or with my papa pro (and parent volunteers in time) in order to insure they understand the concept they missed.

It is important that children are both accurate and put forth effort. If they do not spend time on the program, they will not progress. If they answer too many questions wrong, they will have to continually redo the same skills. Since the work in individualized, no child should find the work too difficult to be successful if they try. You are welcome to help them with their ACCM. The children are assigned goals for ACCM. If they reach them they can attend end of quarter parties and get treats.

 AR (Accelerated Reader ):

AR is an independent reading program. Children read and test on books available in the school library and my classroom. This aids in fluency, comprehension and reading growth. I am not overly concerned that children ONLY read AR books, as they are many good books not included in the AR program, but I do want them to READ each night, and if they read and test on AR, they get points towards end of quarter parties and treat.

Again, these are both independent programs designed to supplement classroom instruction and should be done outside class. If I see a child is simply not spending time on these programs for homework, then I will exercise my prerogative to keep children in during recess for study hall, during which they can work on those programs.

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